Okay for those of you who are our music of the week fans we have moved its location to
right below what i am saying now. Just click play!
This is a disclaimer to all off the people viewing the site: ALL of the pictures on this
site are in .JPEG form which means that not all of the pictures may not be as clear as we would like, we just dont have enough
space to do bitmap formatted pictures, therefore you must use your imagination to clear some of the fuzz, thank you and enjoy
the site.
Well we are all excited about the new navigation bar. I have had complaints about hard to read the text, well no more!
Now people dont have an excuse. Have fun with the colors and way more organized site.
Nick will be joining the BFG Crew! I hope this will be a good expirience for us all.
Jason Helps with website again-
Well, i am kind of doing this without Elias's or Stephen's permission, but o well.
A long time ago elias said i don't update the website enough. Then, it turned into where i just didn't at all. All i ever
did was post on the forums. Sounds like a pretty lousy admin doesn't it? WELL I'M BACK!
Jason's Game news-
under new construction...