Risk Your Life (RYL) is an MMORPG. It’s HUGE! It consists of first choosing either being a beast or human. With
being a beast you can be 2 kinds of chooses (a mage or fighter). After level10 you can be a gunner, sorcerer and more! With
a Human you can be a fighter, rouge, mage, or (priest dude. I can’t remember the correct word for it). But the choices
don’t stop there. After choosing a fighter (for example) at level 10 you can choose to be a warrior or defender. The
graphics on this are outstanding! The beta for this came out on May 1st of 2004. So it’s recently new. I will take a
picture of the beast race and more soon. Here is what i got so far! ENJOY!
Review by: Elias
the graphics on this are unbelievable |
this is me using a skill on an enemy |
a magic spell of death |
a fire spell |