BlackFire Gaming Site


Dark Eden is not like most rpgs that i have played where it takes place in the usual Darkage era. Instead, it has sort of a twist. Like most RPGs you buy armor, level up, put stat
points into skills, use magic, meet others, exc. Only this time is is all about vampires! You can be a Vampire or a slayer, both a pretty even only i chose vampires cause they are so cool! That might just be my opinion though. Anyway, i suggest you test out this game for yourself cause most of it, i could not put into words.

Just some nice friendly people in town 8-)

I used my vampiric powers to throw him in the air and bite him. (incase you couldn't tell)

If you want more about this game contact me (Jason) at or on aim at manicman4444

Dark Eden done by Jason Pomeroy