BlackFire Gaming Site


If you love first player shooter games, high-tech [shooter] games, and more, you will love Halo Combat Evolved for the PC. There is the very enjoyable pleasure of killing people with all kinds of unique weapons such as: machine guns, pistols, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, sniper riffles, shotguns, grenades, and of course my favorite, plasma grenades. Plasma grenades latch on to vehicles and people, they won't come off trust me, and it wouldn't be a grenade unless it explodes. In this case, in your face while latched on to you. If you don't enjoy killing people this way there are other ways, you can run people over in a warthog (great for picking up chicks), gun people down in a ghost, or blowing up people with a banshee or tank. If you don't enjoy killing people at all…..freak…… there are other options of game play like CTF (capture the flag), oddball (this is where you have a skull over your head until you die and loose it, the object is to have the skull for a certain amount of time), slayer, and team slayer.
Review by: Nick

I smell a HEADSHOT

VROOM VROOM! Come back lil PIGGIE!

Chris make life easier and die! Nick just keep shooting


Dont hold back!