Nick and I (Elias) played this for HOURS! It’s a half life mod, but not just any HL mod! on this particular game
u get to buy guns every time u die and when u die u spawn somewhere else! It’s a never ending round in other words!
But it gets better. You get to do matrix moves with giant back flips, slow motion, everything around mostly can be destroyed,
fly backwards, HAVING A KATANA!, and much more!!! AND this game has an option of whether to view your character as 1st or
3rd person point of view! it was originally on steam 1.5 but it moved up to 1.6 recently (current steam network)! Please ask
Elias or Nick for more information
go to for more details and weapon options and to download this mod!!
Thank you Nick for the screen shots! (Your welcome)<-- Nick
Thank you Nick for the screen shots!
Review by: Elias
cool wood detroying effects |
flying backwards while shooting! |
you heard it out of nicks mouth! |
Nick can FLY! dont hurt urself on the landing! |