BlackFire Gaming Site



Color Coded: Green: not as important as red

             Red: adding a new game and or more important

             Orange: news of adding a review, adding pics

             Purple: a comment from an admin 


NEW! We have added a photos page of the latest runescape 2. It is just some cool shots that we have found during the game. We even have one shot where I am face to face with a King Black dragon. For those of you who don't know, King Black Dragons i lvl 246 on the game which is insane! It is hard to even come close to them!

NEW! Also whats new is we are going to add Counter Strike photos so be paitent. Most website take atleast a week to update but we take atleast 24 hours! Yull love the new pics we have instore for all of u. If u hate them then we can always try to get better ones but dont be ppl that are impossible to please!

NEW! Still adding new photos to more links and now we have to downsize them cause they are WAY too big

NEW! Added Site Maker Bios!!!

NEW! made new layout to front page so it looks better.

NEW! We added Music to our site, plz enjoy!

NEW! (important) YAy! we have just discovered how to change our website so that our pictures don't take up as much space! which means we will make more updates to keep you in toon without having to find a way to make more space!.website so we can make it so we have more space on our website to make more updates!!!!!

NEW! We added captions to EVERY picture!

NEW! we added a counter for us to know how ofter u view the site and we added 3 new warcraft3 pics, thnx again stephen!

NEW! Added a contacts page and reviews to Runescape2 and Counter Strike!

NEW! Added a HALO PAGE and added the NEW FORUM!!! check it out and plz follow the rules! : )

NEW! Added Stephens contact and bio page

Comment! We are pleased to see that the site has been viewed over 100 times, to u this might not look a lot but consider the fact that the counter was added a week ago, this is good for a site, keep it up : )

UPDATE COMING SOON! Well, we have realized a while ago that the soing we have choosen for u isnt much of a "GAMING" song, so instead we have all decided to let you all know that we will make a playlist. for know the departure song is our first one for the week. every week will post a new song on our site, removing the old one. If there are question of more detail then just contact one of the 3 of us. if there are any suggestions as to songs then contact us. well will provide the playlist in a couple of days letting u know what will be played a month in advanced! : )

NEW! Added the new playlist. use this to know what will be played on the site. all songs will only be played on the front page. sry


NEW! We are adding more and more songs to the playlist. I hope you enjoy every song we give you


NEW! Well the forum was being gay and crap so (of course) i got my friend Hoovs (from cs) to make us one! sry nick but the one u made sucked! TY HOOVS for helping us out. the new forums are there now so have fun and read the posts and it will explain some situations!!! HAVE FUN!


NEW! Condition Zero is now part of our site! ty Chris


NEW! Updated the Playlist so it looks better and makes more sense


NEW! Battlefield Vietnam is now part of our site! ty Chris


NEW! Added 4 new games to the site, it includes Aspereta, The Specialists, Guild Wars, Raven Shield! Also adding Dates!  5-15-04


NEW! Added more to the Playlist! 5-16-04


NEW! Added 3 new games to the site, including Codename Gordon, Conquer, and Earth's Special Forces! 6-3-04


NEWS! moved pics around, added the A-KON pic, and  new updates will be shown on the front page!  6-11-04


NEW! Added Natural Selection! 6-20-04


NEW! Updated front page layout! 6-21-04


NEWS! Added more NS pics! 6-23-04


NEW! Added StarCraft! 7-2-04


NEWS! Reviews for NS and SC are up! 7-10-04


NEW! Added RYL! 7-13-04


NEWS! Added 2 more RYL pics, and changed the front page look! 7-26-04


NEWS! Added 3 more StarCraft Pics! 7-31-04


NEW! Added Gunbound! 8-4-04


NEWS! Added the Gunbound Review! 8-05-04


NEW! Added the new Blackfire Logo! 8-11-04


NEW! Added a Fan Art Page, updated update page. 8-13-04


NEWS! Added Halo and Battlefield Vietnam Review! 8-14-04


NEW! Added a Member page for my clan! 8-17-04


NEWS! Added Sven Co-op v3.0! 9-18-04


NEWS! Started adding pictures for the games! 9-20-04


NEWS! Finished adding pictures for the games! Updated the Condition Zero page! Added more pics for Aspereta! Also Nick is now admin 9-23-04

NEWS! Added Day of Defeat, screen shots and review 9-24-04


NEWS! Added CSS and Doom3, modified reviews 9-26-04

NEWS! Added Global Operations! 10-03-04

NEWS! Added Half Life! 10-4-04

NEWS! Spell checked my bio (nick)and games 10-07-04
NEWS! Added Stepmania! 10-14-04
NEWS! Added Dark Eden! 10-15-05
NEWS! Added Sponsors! 11-2-04
NEWS! ADDED NEW NAVIGATION BAR! Added new fan art pic! 11-3-04
NEWS! Added Zombie Panic! 11-27-04
NEWS! Added Might and Magic6! 12-4-04
NEWS! Added HL2 and Maple Story! 12-21-04
NEWS ! Added NWN!  12-21-04