Runescape is a big rpg online game were u play with people around the world! These are pictures of Runescape2 though,
but they are still trying to release it. They are currently testing it right now. When you start the game its very boring
to raise levels but bare with it, when your a high level u are capable of more objectives/quests and using better armor which
is better for pking (person killing) in the wilderness. There is also a thing for members on that game ($5 a month), it’s
sort of worth it if you’re really into it. If u need any further details (like want to know why members is better and
what to do ect.) then contact Elias, Jason, or Nick.
If you are interested in downloading this game go to
Review by: Elias
Looked like the Dragon Battle Axe and Rune 2 Hander were fused, it was cool |
cemetary in the wilderness |
The most difficult enemy in the whole game of RS! THE KING BLACK DRAGON! |
the fire altar. looks like hell to me |
the body altar. its a giant purple heart! |